11 hits for hum


buluh [TREE] wr. buluh; šembuluh; ba-lu-hum "an aromatic tree or its resin" Akk. balahhu

gabahum [MURDER] wr. gaba-hum "murder"

gabarahum [DESPAIR] (2x: Old Babylonian) wr. ga-ba-ra-hum "despair"

ĝešhum [BENCH] (48x: Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. ĝeš-hum; ĝeš-hu-um "bench; cabin; awning" Akk. gišhummu

hum [HONOR] (2x: Old Babylonian) wr. hum-hum "to honor"

hum [PARALYZE] (2x: Old Babylonian) wr. hum "to paralyze (bodies); a blood clot disease (stroke?)" Akk. hamû ša2 zumri; hurpi gig

hum [SNAP] (8x: Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. hum "to snap off; to run, flow (bodily fluids); to move, be in motion" Akk. hamāšu; rahāšu

hum [WHITE?] (1x: Ur III) wr. hu-um "white?"

humhum [DESTITUTE] (1x: Old Babylonian) wr. lu2hum-hum "a destitute, a very poor person" Akk. luppunu

šarahum [DECORATION] wr. ša-ra-hum "decoration"

zahum [BASIN] (51x: Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian) wr. za-hum; za-hu-um; za-a-hu-um "a metal basin" Akk. šāhu

ePSD icon ePSD contacts: Steve Tinney and Philip Jones.